Employment & Education Programs
Having a job or being in school is possible with the right supports.
From planning nutritious meals to weekly yoga and meditation sessions to smoking cessation, the Clubhouse offers opportunities to improve overall health. There is an after-lunch walking group and the daily news (produced and broadcast in-house by the Clubhouse) features a segment on relevant health topics.
Both psychiatric and primary healthcare medical services are available to members at our Clinic. The integration of this care into the Clubhouse—under one roof—is deemed both innovative and the ideal for treating mental illness.
Each month, the Clubhouse plans a special dinner to celebrate healthy eating and acknowledge its importance to well-being.
The Clubhouse is very intentional about its food choices for the daily lunch prepared in the Clubhouse kitchen. Each week, the Hospitality Unit discusses and plans the menu in keeping with goal of eating healthy, balanced meals.
The Clubhouse hosts a monthly “Health & Wellness Dinner” to celebrate healthy eating and acknowledge its importance to overall health and well-being. Menu planning and preparation are handled by members and staff who volunteer for the task.
Weather permitting, there is a “Walking Group” after lunch that takes full advantage of our appealing University Circle neighborhood with a walk to Wade Oval and back.
Weekly sessions of both yoga and meditation are popular ways to reduce stress and focus on the positive.
Sessions are held to build awareness about effects of smoking and the relationship between smoking and mental health with the intent to motivate members to quit tobacco use.
Each month, a representative from NEON (a federally-qualified community health center), makes a presentation based on the National Health Observances calendar set forth by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. For example, February is Heart Month and November is Diabetes Month. Members are encouraged to attend and ask questions.
If you are looking for additional assistance, United Way of Greater Cleveland offers 24-hour free and confidential help by calling 2-1-1 https://www.211oh.org/. The Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board of Cuyahoga County can also assist in finding available mental health services http://www.adamhscc.org/.
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